Mac OS Monterey issues

Hi there,
Because of another application compatibility, I was forced to upgrade but it seems there is a problem now in macOS Monterey 12.0.01 on my Mac Mini M1. I can no longer modify a view and get the message “Please select a view to modify”.

In addition, Kodika Studio seems be more unstable and crashes more frequently.
Is this a known issue? Any suggestions/solutions in the pipeline?

Thx. E.

Hi Erik,
We did have issues and crashes on the latest macOS and we just released version 3.0.0 which should solve them. It should be available for update in the next minutes/hours.
If it doesn’t automatically update for you, Go to the App Store, Search for the Kodika App, and go to the Details page of it, and it will show you the Update Button.

Please tell us if you have any more problems with M1 and/or macOS Monterey.

The reported issue has indeed been solved in version 3.0.0.


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